Revere Pewter Benjamin Moore – We had been trapped indoors for the past few days due to rain, so we made some improvement by handling the task of painting our recently de-carpeted cabinet & bathroom.
Here is a photo of what we finally got the room to look like, finish with the stenciled floor, and what we are discussing now – Benjamin Moore’s Revere Pewter on the walls. But let’s look for a moment.
Revere Pewter Benjamin Moore
To start with painting the lotion trim white (we went with Simply White in semi-gloss, exactly like the trim in the remainder of the house).
Part of me hates to downplay the time that this job took just by sharing one before & after picture which hides that process. It required just one coat of primer and 2 coats of paint (all applied with a brush) and the two Sherry and I got into the action.
I primed since that’s not VOC-free like the painting part, and then when that coating dried we worked our way around the room’s copious doorways and small areas of baseboard using the paint.
Trim Work
Then the clipping in part of the wall-painting procedure came along and made the trim work seem like kid’s play. So many Angles.
I’m not typically one to whine about painting (except for painting ceilings) but painting walls is generally “the fun part” for us.
I think whenever you enter any project thinking “this will be fast and simple” it’s a slippery slope. However, this was completely one of those tiny areas that had us feeling cocky and saying “let us just knock out this within an hour or 2” and it ended up shooting a couple of 2-hour installations over a few days.
Womp-womp. Nonetheless, it’s completed! Praise those sweet, unpredictable DIY Gods, it is done.
The color we picked was Revere Pewter Benjamin Moore, which pops up on Pinterest as a lot of people favored light-to-mid-toned color.
Our brain also refuses to see it as “Revere Pewter” so we can not quit calling it “Reverie Pewter” – even when the guy at the paint desk is like “Oh, so you mean Revere.”
Using Warm & Cool Colors In Your Home: A Guide
Warm Colors
- Warm colors are typically used to create cozy and intimate spaces.
- Bright warm colors, such as Million Dollar Red 2003-10, Orange Burst 2015-20, and Sundance 2022-50, are often associated with energy, playfulness, and happiness.
- Warm paint colors are often used in kitchens and living rooms.
- Warmer hues can make larger spaces feel more inviting.
Cool Colors
- Cool colors give off a sleek and calming atmosphere.
- Cooler shades, such as Ocean Air 2123-50, Winter Lake 2129-50, and Evening Dove 2128-30, are associated with calmness, relaxation, and freshness.
- Cool paint colors are often used in bathrooms and bedrooms.
- Cooler hues can make smaller spaces feel more spacious.
Choosing The Right Revere Pewter Benjamin Moore Color
You may remember that we tossed this “Percolating In Progress” post with a few first thoughts on paint colors directly after we moved in.
For our bathroom and our walk-in cupboard we wanted something quite mild (there aren’t any windows in both of those spaces) but not too light it washed out items like the white trim, white mirror, and also the white shelving in the cupboard.
At first, we chased Pismo Dunes and Gray Owl (both under) but we ended up enjoying the Revere Pewter colors better, which will be sort of a combination of both of these.
It is almost just like a darker tone of Edgecomb Gray (less brown than Pismo Dunes and a little richer and less grey than Gray Owl).
We really liked how it dried. Taupe-y in some lights (such as this shot). Gray-ish in other people (like the one below this one). It changes throughout the day and works quite well with the deep faded blue-gray color (Black Pepper) in our bedroom.
The rolling was fairly simple in comparison to the edging.
Oh and we chose to paint the ceiling the same color as the walls here. We have learned in tiny spaces actually make the room feel less cramped when the ceiling and the walls are the same tones (assuming it is not too dark of a color) since it simply makes an angular/choppy/cramped space feel broken up and boxed in.
And like the other rooms we have painted, after all of the paint was dry, I used this as an opportunity to switch out all of the light switches and sockets from the old cream variations to clean white ones.
This photo is a bit darker (hello black hole closet) since I had the power off, but it actually demonstrates the way the wall color sort of chameleons itself in various light scenarios.
Even with the lights, the darker color on the walls will be a nice background to help show off the mirror’s shape (and all of that trim we painted pops nicely too). We have plenty of other things to attend to here, but here’s a little side-by-side contrast of where we started (well, once the carpet was up) to where we are now.

With all the walls painted, we can now get jiggy with the floor (I really don’t think I am using the right color) which is the part we’re most excited about since, well, it is the most unattractive at the moment. All signs are pointing towards this flooring getting done before we can finish the tile job outside.
Oh, and just as we predicted in this post about our toilet plans (in which you can also read about why we’re down with painting this ground, how we’d like to add shelves to the dressing table to balance it out, etc) we changed our minds again.
After a few more percolating we worried that staining the dressing table a dark blue color might not operate very well with our yellow-ish sink top, and we thought we might have a lot more fun with all the flooring than going all-one-color with it…
So today we’re thinking a two-toned stencil on the floor and a more subdued color on the dressing table may play better with all the sink top tone without robbing the space of any excitement (instead of adding attention to the vanity we’ll just shift the attention to the floor).
Sort of like the way the darker tone on the dressing table in our half bathroom downstairs neutralized the same yellow-toned sink – and then we could add artwork and accessories for longer color, curiosity, and rip things out so that space makes sense in real life (photoshopped renderings are not always the great real-life representation).
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